Sunday 27 February 2011

A series of experiments exploring spirograph patterns and sounds.

Spirograph Pattern and Sound Experiment (last two plates).

Since my spirograph set consisted of 4 different coloured plates, I decided to draw and record all the plates using the same method that I had previously used. To view method, it's the third video on the post called: Exploring the sounds and visual effects of spirographs together click here to watch.  I have only made a video log showing  the first spirograph plate (purple), since I have also used this initial starter method for all the  other plates. To recap on this, the first plate (purple) had 13 individual patterns and sounds.  The second plate (yellow) had 19 individual patterns and sounds. 

Below is the third plate (blue) which has 11 individual patterns and sounds:

 See below for the final plate in this set (green), it has 13 individual patterns and sounds.

Next I plan to use post production effects and experiment with all the patterns and sounds of the plates combined.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Tutorial with Andy on the 31/1/2011

In this tutorial my main concerns were and still are to update my project proposal regarding my qualitative/quantitative research approach. I suggested that for my qualitative research I would email a questionnaire out to people and ask three questions after each experiment, and after a series of experiments I would ask between 7 and 10 questions, repeating the first three questions to see if any changes to these answers occurred. I now feel that this may possibly be too much, and I have decided to only send out one questionnaire after a series of experiments regarding my studio work. Ideally I would like between 10 or 20 of my peers to answer the questionnaire.  I’m unsure at this point how often the questionnaire will need to be sent out, but my first questionnaire will  be after I’ve completed a series of the spirograph visual/sound experiments seen previously on this blog.  I have started to make videos of each experiment so that the experiments can be repeated. Click here to view my 1st video record. It’s the Third video on this page called video log.

Andy’s comments
  • Try to be more specific in descriptions / questions for questionnaire.
  •  Remember to only describe questionnaire volunteers as peers or contemporaries.
  • May need to define the term individualism in opening description of my aims, but over time that may get defined through my practice.
  • Blog great, excellent work to date.

Friday 4 February 2011

Video feature: 'Flock Logic' collaboration unites science and dance.

I recently came across this intriguing project. While Chaos Theory has not been mentioned either in the video or the write up, I think it plays an integral part of this work which is very fascinating to watch.

To read more about this project Click here.